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Office Work

We need a volunteer (or more than one) to come into the office to do the routine tasks of administration. (We had a great guy, but we found him a full-time paid job in this building, so now we need ‘you’!)

The two of us cannot manage on our own but we cannot afford to employ a third person. You could come in on certain days of the week, or for part of a day, or in the eveningĀ (we’re here till at least 8 pm). We will show you exactly how to do the tasks, but obviously it would help if you have some word processing or Excel experience. We are conveniently just round the corner from Caledonian Road tube station (Piccadilly line) and your fares can be paid. Talk to us about what you might be able to do: 020 7607 9661 – or email [email protected].

Fundraising Internship

Want something good on your CV? Come and do some serious fundraising for us. Either for the HVA or else for our sub-group the Shingles Support Society (SSS). We envisage two different campaigns depending on whether we are fundraising for sexual health (HVA) or for a painful condition in the elderly (SSS). Flexitime to suit your availability. Send us an email at [email protected].

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Computer Expert

Our new website is on WordPress, I need someone to help me learn how to deal with it… Could I phone you when I have a question?

Host a Meeting for Members

Meetings are magic! We need more of them – can you find locations for us? Over and over people say how much better they feel after coming and meeting us. “I wish I’d done it sooner.” “This first meeting was miles better than I ever imagined.” We sometimes have (or have had!) meetings in Bristol, Exeter, Leeds, Glasgow – but then the hosts move on. Why not have meetings where you live? Get involved: (1) find a venue, (2) send in the full details – and we will let our members in your area know about it. We will ensure that someone well-informed attends your first meeting. We can give you all sorts of advice: phone in 020 7607 9661.