Donate please!

If we have helped you – please donate ! All donations needed and appreciated.

There are other ways – see below:  anonymous donations, donations by text, and through EasyFundraising and GiveAsYouLive (these are free donations to us when you shop on-line).
For large donations, please ask for our BACS details, email [email protected]
You can write a cheque to ‘HVA reg charity’ and sent to: HVA, 110 Omnibus, 41 North Road, London N7 9DP.
We rely on you to enable us to continue to offer herpes support. It is only the people we help who are going to donate. We cannot show a cute kitten and ask the public to help!

Lots of small donations can really build up.

Why we have to ‘be there’ for people:
A caller phoned, she was crying. Eventually, she calmed down and the helpline volunteer asked her what particularly worried her. She said she’d read on a forum that she will never find anyone to accept her – and if she did, she’d have to use condoms forever – and that means she can never be a mother. (!)
Our helpline volunteer explained all the facts – see our website pages. These included our research that found that fewer than one in five potential partners says ‘No thanks’ when one of the HVA’s members decides to mention it. Once she has learnt what her recurrences feel like, she won’t use condoms all the time. (After all, no one with facial infection, a cold sore, is told to kiss through plastic!).
None of the HVA’s members had a C-section for herpes, and none of their babies was affected. In fact the Royal College of Obs. and Gyn. guideline says: ‘Allow normal delivery even when there is a recurrence.’
They talked for 26 minutes and she ended by saying “I cannot tell you how much this call has changed my life! Thank you so much!”

Donate via our shop:

On our website, you can use credit card/debit card.

Donate anonymously:

CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE:  Donations sent through NoChex can be anonymous – click the box and we are not told your name. You can set up a repeat donation there – which helps us even more.

Donate with a text message:

Donate by text - what your phone will show.Text HVA£10 (or any other amount) to 70085. Thank you!

To donate a fiver, text HVA to 70085, because the default is set at £5.

£s for us – when you shop on-line:


We get a free donation each time you shop online via the EasyFundraising portal. Sign up with our sister charity ‘Shingles Support Society’ as ‘your cause’ and then choose from over 7,000 brands, from the AA to Zizzi. You pay the same price and they give us a donation.

Give as you Live

We have also registered for a Shingles Support Society account at Give as you Live as well… And they have 6,000 stores!

Donate by subscribing – learn more and help yourself

Set up a standing order:

Download the form to print, sign and return. We need your help (see the story in the box above) and we value your support.

Leave a legacy:

We know that many people leave money to charities in their wills.  There is also our sub-group called Shingles Support Society – consider leaving us money in this name?  We would really appreciate it if you would. If you already have a will, you can leave something to the Shingles Support Society in a codicil, that is an addition to your existing will. This is easier (and cheaper) than getting a whole new will.

As a registered charity (no. 291657) we submit details annually to the Charity Commission so that it can ensure that we are fulfilling our constitutional ‘statement of aims’. You can be sure that your legacy would go to help people and spread information.