

If we have helped you – help us. We rely on you.

Please select a donation amount below – use the box to multiply e.g. £10 x 4 to donate £40. And if you pay Income Tax in the UK, we will be able to claim Gift Aid if you are paying with your own money and you select the Gift Aid option.

SKU: DN001 Category:



We find it hard to obtain a donation from charitable trusts as our ‘service users’ (that’s you!) are almost always anonymous. So we don’t get many stories of how people have benefitted from using our services. Companies don’t adopt us as their ‘charity of the year’ because of the stigma. And the same stigma means that our services users are not volunteering to host bake sales and sponsored runs. So we rely on your donations!

Gift Aid

Donations are eligible for Gift Aid.  We will be able to claim Gift Aid on donations if you pay Income Tax on the amount you are giving.  Please click on the Gift Aid option. Every little extra helps us to run this service: helping people with genital herpes, cold sores, and shingles.

Giving helps you (as well as us)!  Scientific research has been conducted showing the benefits of philanthropic giving?  A study in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine showed that individuals who donate their time or money to a cause they believe in report:

  • Higher levels of happiness and general well-being.
  • Fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Feeling stronger and more energetic, warm, calm and even having fewer aches and pains.