Contact us

Please be sure to check Frequently Asked Questions to see if the answer to your question is there. If you need further assistance or need to speak to someone, here’s how to contact us:


Confidential helpline: we answer your questions about herpes. We do not ask your name. You can ask us anything.

0345 123 2305 between 9 am and 8 pm on weekdays. This is standard rate from a UK landline and should be included in local rate calls by mobile phone service provider. Trained volunteer helpliners are available most of the time between 9am and 8pm on weekdays. 

020 7607 9661 between 8 am and 6 pm. 

After speaking with us, we would be grateful if you would fill in our short survey.  This feedback helps us to improve the helpline service  – you can be anonymous if you wish.


Subscribing to the HVA is the most comprehensive way to get yourself fully informed about herpes simplex without training to become a medical professional and is available digitally (most popular) or by discreet post. Knowledge is power and subscription is recommended for those struggling to come to terms with a diagnosis, the stigma, abnormally recurrent symptoms or anyone who wishes to have expert knowledge on the subject.

Click here to see what you subscribe.

Email – question or feedback

How you can help: volunteering

We need your help to continue to offer this helpful website.  You can volunteer in many ways:  helping part-time with office tasks (or the occasional evening?), fundraising or social media programmes, answering helpline calls, hosting meetings, and much more…

You can help us to improve our website and other services – we need more young people on our Executive Management Committee – and more BAME members, and more men!

Get in touch: [email protected].

Or help us with a donation. (We get no funding from government or NHS.) Cheques should be written to ‘HVA reg charity’ and sent to:


Unit 110, Busworks
41 North Road
N7 9DP

The Herpes Viruses Association is registered charity number 291657.

Tell us if this website helped you – or needs improving: 

Answer a few questions on SurveyMonkey, thanks:  

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